Rate my blog website

Rate SA Arnold Blog Website

Rate SA Arnold Blog Website

Made some improvements to my blog website

I recently made a few improvements to my blog website; included a website Poll, Rate an article facility, and improved article pagination so that my blog visitors can access the content easily.
I have been running my personal blog for more than a year now. I started from Google Blogger facility first, and after six months, I shifted to a personalized CMS for it. Until now, I have had great number of users visiting my blog each day, and to get them involved a little more, I have started a website poll.

Cool SA Arnold Blog Features

A Website Poll
Feedback of my visitors regarding my blog website is very important and valuable to me. Therefore, my first poll is about ‘how my website is’; excellent, good or needs some improvement. I would be glad if you could take a minute of your time, and rate my website.

Rate This Article
Secondly, I’ve added a ‘Rate this article’ feature. This will allow my readers to rank an article from one to five. The rating option can be found at the end of the article copy text. This will provide interesting statistics and will depict how popular my posts really are.

Article View Statistics
Also, I’ve added an ‘Article’s View Statistics‘ functionality. It will count the total number of reads for a particular post. I am still working on a better placeholder for this ‘view count’, but at the moment, it can be viewed below the ‘Rate this article’ section.

Improved Site Pagination
Lastly, to ease the navigation facility, I’ve provided a facility of paging. Now you can access older posts using the numeric pagination. See the bottom of the home page as an example.

Provide Your Valuable Feedback
Your insights are very important to me. If you would like to give a suggestion or a feature that my blog website should have, I would be thankful to you. Please leave a reply using the comments block at the end of the post.

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