I have been playing Duel Masters Card game for some time now, and I have collected around 5000 cards. However, this strategy card game is so vast, and includes so many cards that you cannot get hands onto every single one of them. Therefore, I came up with a proposal of trading Duel Masters cards previously, and now with the idea of printing Duel Masters card copies that I do not possess.
My friends and I agreed upon using pirated copies of the cards in the play, for the sake of keeping interest in the game, and having the opportunity to tryout different cards, which we could not get even after spending a good sum of money. The idea is to get the card image available over the internet or from the Wizards of Coasts; Duel Masters Card Database. Then make either a colored or black-n-white copy of it, having the size as that of an actual DM card, and gluing it on some unwanted card (usually commons in rarity will do, such as Picora’s Wrench) or a card of which you have a number of copies. Now, you will be asking yourself as to how you would get a printout of a card in the same size as that of an actual DM card. To help you out, I have documented the steps to print a Duel Masters card. See below:
1- Get the image of the card
Get the image of the DM card you need from the Internet; Google it. I always take the images from the Wizards of Coasts – DM Cards Database. Right click the image, and save it.
2- Note the size of the DM card
An actual DM card is 2.5 x 3.5 sq. inches. Therefore, you need to get a printout in the appropriate size if you want to glue it on some other card.
3- Setting up printing preferences
Third step is to setup the printing preferences accurately to yield the card copy. I own an HP printer, but the following steps should be similar for anyone having some other type. I assume, you have Microsoft Office Installed (everybody has it nowadays). There comes an Image utility with it, named: Microsoft Picture Manager with MS office 2003 or above. You need to open that card image you saved in step 1 with it.
Once you have opened it, go to photo printing wizard or use CTRL+P, there you will find an option: ‘Printing Preferences’. Click it, and set the paper size and print quality under ‘Paper/Quality’ tab. Then move to the next tab named ‘Effects’. This is where we control the size of the DM card printout. In ‘Resizing Options’ panel, set printout setting to 50% of the Normal Size.
Press “OK”. Now, you should return to the first page of “Photo printing wizard” and should see ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the window.
4- Layout selection
In the “Layout selection” window, select the 5 x 7 inches print layout option. As we set the resizing to 50% to the normal size, a ‘5 x 7 inches print’ will gracefully degrade to a ‘2.5 x 3.5 inches print’.
5- Take the print
There you have it, easy! Take the print out and enjoy your new copy of Duel Masters Trading Card. Glue it on some unwanted card and it will be ready to use. However, you might have to do some paper trimming on the outside when you glue it.
So you see, you can get a Duel Masters Card Copy in 5 easy steps.
If you are a beginner, you might want to learn the basics of Duel Masters Trading Card Game first.
If you are pro, you can trade Duel Masters cards with me. I am proposing a very generous offer; please visit my other posts in Duel Masters category for more information.
Read Arnold’s Duel Masters Deck Strategies and take your game to the next level. If you need any questions regarding this article, you may contact me via email.