Dicloran 50mg tablet

Dicloran 50mg

Before taking the ‘Dicloran 50mg’ tablet that my trainer prescribed for my shoulder injury, I gathered some information on it, which I would like to share.

Drug name: Dicloran
Other names used:

  • Cataflam®
  • Diclon®
  • Difene®
  • Pennsaid®
  • Voltarol®

Active Ingredients:
• diclofenac sodium

Therapeutic actions:
Diclofenac belongs to a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It works by blocking the action of a substance in the body called cyclo-oxygenase. Cyclo-oxygenase is involved in the production of various chemicals in the body, some of which are known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are produced in response to injury or certain diseases and would otherwise go on to cause pain, swelling, and inflammation. Arthritic conditions are one example of such a diseases.

Diclofenac is used to relieve pain and inflammation in a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, gout, sprains, fractures, back pain, and following minor surgery. All the medicines in the NSAID group reduce inflammation caused by the body’s own immune system and are effective painkillers. However, these must be taken with or after food to avoid stomach related side effects.

If you suffer from the following, this drug could be used:


  • A form of arthritis (ankylosing spondylitis)
  • Acute gout
  • Inflammatory disease of the joints
  • Lower back pain
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as tendon inflammation (tendinitis), sprains, strains, dislocations and fractures
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pain and inflammation in dental, orthopaedic and other minor surgery
  • Severe childhood inflammatory disease of the joints (juvenile chronic arthritis) in children aged 1-12

We should also take precautions in drug-use and the tablet should not be used in the cases listed below
Contraindications and cautions:
Not to be used in:

  • Bleeding from the stomach or intestines or a history of this
  • Current or previous peptic ulcer
  • People in whom aspirin or other medicines in this class (NSAIDs), cause attacks of asthma, itchy rash (urticaria) or nasal inflammation (rhinitis)
  • Suspected peptic ulcer

This information was taken from Drugs Pro.

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